

How to Train

In MetaBox, to facilitate training with our dataset and observing logs during training, we suggest that you put your own MetaBBO Agent declaration file in the folder agent and import it in Additionally, if you are using your own optimizer instead of the one provided by MetaBox, you need to put your own backbone optimizer declaration file in the folder optimizer and import it in

You will then be able to train your agent using the following command line:

python --train --train_agent MyAgent --train_optimizer MyOptimizer --agent_save_dir MyAgentSaveDir --log_dir MyLogDir --problem ProblemSet

For the above commands, --train is to specify the training mode. --train_agent MyAgent --train_optimizer MyOptimizer is to use your agent class named MyAgent and your optimizer class named MyOptimizer for training. --agent_save_dir MyAgentSaveDir specifies the save directory of the agent models obtained from training or they will be saved in directory src/agent_model/train by default. --log_dir MyLogDir specifies the save directory of the log files during training or directory src/output/train by default. --problem ProblemSet specifies the dataset used in training process, please refer to problem suit choices for available choices. Note that problem suite with suffix ...-torch is written in Pytorch so that the evaluation process is operated in Pytorch Tensor environment that will record gradient automatically and enable gradient-required training process such as RNN-OI. Those without ...-torch as suffix is written in Numpy that should meet most common usage cases.

Once you run the above command, MetaBox will initialize a Trainer object and use your configuration to build the agent and optimizer, as well as generate the training and test sets. After that, the Trainer will control the entire training process, optimize the problems in the train set one by one using the declared agent and optimizer, and record the corresponding information.

Train Results

After training, 21 agent models named checkpointN.pkl (N is a number from 0 to 20) will be saved in MyAgentSaveDir/train/MyAgent/runName/ or agent_model/train/MyAgent/runName/ by default. checkpoint0.pkl is the agent without any learning and remaining 20 models are agents saved uniformly along the whole training process, i.e., checkpoint20.pkl is the one that learned the most, for --max_learning_step times. You can choose the best one in Rollout.

In addition, 2 types of data files will be generated in MyLogDir/train/MyAgent/runName/ or output/train/MyAgent/runName/ by default: