

How to Rollout

By using the following command, you can rollout your agent models obtained from training process above using problems in train set:

python --rollout --agent_load_dir MyAgentLoadDir --agent_for_rollout MyAgent --optimizer_for_rollout MyOptimizer --log_dir MyLogDir 

But before running it, please make sure that the 21 agent models named checkpointN.pkl saved from training process are in a folder named your agent class name MyAgent, and this folder is in directory MyAgentLoadDir, which seems like:

└─ MyAgent
    ├─ checkpoint0.pkl
    ├─ checkpoint1.pkl
    ├─ ...
    └─ checkpoint20.pkl

Rollout Results

After rollout, in MyLogDir/rollout/runName or output/rollout/runName by default, MetaBox will generate a file named rollout.pkl which is a dictionary containing: